Washington, D.C. • September 11, 1941
Eight months before Japan’s December 7, 1941, attack on U.S. assets at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Nazi Germany’s navy began mounting a series of U‑boat attacks on cargo ships crossing the North Atlantic from North America to Great Britain, a nation at war with Germany since September 3, 1939. The first skirmish that emerged in the undeclared naval war between the U.S. and Germany took place on April 10–11, 1941. The U.S. destroyer Niblack, on convoy duty in the North Atlantic, rescued all 63 crewmembers of the twice-torpedoed Dutch freighter Saleier. The warship made sound contact with an “undersea object,” which it depth-charged 3 times to no effect. The Niblack is reputed to be the first U.S. Navy warship to engage a German warship since World War I.
The first American cargo ship sunk by a U‑boat was the 5,000‑ton freighter Robin Moor, whose starboard and port sides displayed “USA” in large letters indicating the vessel’s neutral status. The U‑69’s skipper claimed the merchantman was carrying German contraband. He ordered the crew and passengers (46 in all) into lifeboats and with a single torpedo and a deck gun sank the vessel far from Sierra Leone’s coast on May 21, 1941. One set of lifeboats was adrift at sea for 13 days, the other for 19 days before being rescued. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt told Congress on June 20 that Robin Moor’s sinking was a “ruthless” act by an “outlaw nation.”
Things turned ugly on August 18, 1941, when U‑38 sent 2 torpedoes into the SS Longtaker, a 1,700‑ton Panamanian-registered, U.S.-owned freighter bound for Iceland’s capital and port Reykjavik with a load of timber and foodstuffs. Just 3 out of 24 crewmen survived the encounter. Nastier still: 18 days later, on September 4, U‑652 became the first German warship to engage a U.S. Navy warship, the destroyer USS Greer, in the undeclared war. Nineteen depth charges loosed by Greer never avenged U‑652’s two failed attempts to send the U.S. destroyer to the ocean bottom. President Roosevelt took to the airwaves on September 11, 1941, in his 18th “fireside chat” with the nation. He labeled the attack on Greer an act of piracy, then added emphatically: “When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck before you crush him. These Nazi submarines and [surface] raiders are the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic.” The threat became known as his “Shoot on Sight Speech.” It covered not only American-flagged vessels but vessels of any flag “engaged in commerce in our defensive waters.”
Just over a month later a pack of U‑boats managed to torpedo 6 out of 50 merchantmen being escorted eastward across the North Atlantic by U.S. and Canadian warships. On October 17, 1941, U.S. destroyer Kearny (see photo essay below), which had been summoned to assist the beleaguered convoy, was attacked by U‑568 northwest of Iceland and damaged. Twenty-two sailors were wounded and 11 killed, the first U.S. seamen to die under their own flag in the European Theater since World War I.
Roosevelt’s response was prophetic: “We have wished to avoid shooting. But the shooting has started. And history has recorded who fired the first shot. In the long run, however, all that will matter is who fires the last shot.” Still, FDR kept his pistol holstered, even on October 31, 1941, the day U‑552 sank the first U.S. Navy vessel, USS Reuben James (see photo essay below), west of Iceland with a loss of 100 crewmen. Germany called Reuben James fair game because the U.S. destroyer was escorting enemy (British) merchant ships. That’s where things stood between the two powers until the morning of December 7, 1941. Without technically being forced or even obligated by the Tripartite military treaty between Germany, Italy, and Japan, Hitler declared war on the United States 4 days after Pearl Harbor as a gesture of solidarity with Japan, a country on the other side of the world. The December 11 declaration was, Hitler told his foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, the “politically correct” thing to do.
U.S. Merchant Marine and Navy on the Eve of War with Germany, 1941
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Left: On September 11, 1941, the same day President Roosevelt threatened to shoot German “rattlesnakes” on sight, the Panamanian-flagged freighter Montana (former Danish name, Paula) was sunk by U‑105. Owned by the U.S. Maritime Commission in Washington, D.C., the ship was carrying lumber from North Carolina to Reykjavik, Iceland. Allied aircraft observed survivors abandoning ship in 2 lifeboats, but the crewmen were never found. Nine days later the U.S.-Panamanian freighter Pink Star, carrying general cargo from New York to Liverpool, England, was sunk by U‑552. Thirteen out of the crew of 35 died. On September 26 the U.S.-Panamanian oil tanker I.C. White was sunk by U‑66 while sailing from the Caribbean island of Curaçao to Cape Town, South Africa. Three men died in this attack. The above-mentioned freighters and tanker were registered in neutral Panama. On October 9, Roosevelt began his successful efforts to modify the U.S. Neutrality Acts to allow the arming of U.S. merchant ships. A November 5, 1941, Gallup poll indicated that 81 percent of the American public supported the President’s move. On December 2 the U.S. merchant ship SS Dunboyne received the first Naval Armed Guard detachment. Its members were among the 144,970 enlisted men and officers who served in the U.S. Navy Armed Guard during World War II. U.S. Armed Guardsmen served mostly on U.S. flag ships. A small number were U.S.-owned ships but under foreign flag, and some were foreign owned and foreign flag.
Right: On September 17, 1941, five American destroyers began escorting convoy HX150 from Halifax, Canada. This was the first time the U.S. Navy escorted an eastbound British transatlantic convoy. This photo from late 1941 shows a convoy escorted by U.S. warships leaving New York’s Brooklyn harbor bound for Great Britain via Halifax.
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Left: USS Kearny at Hvalfjordur naval base near Reykjavik, Iceland, 2 days after the destroyer had been struck by 1 of 3 torpedoes fired by U‑568 on October 17, 1941. Sister escort destroyer USS Greer is portside. The cavernous torpedo hole and twisted, misshapen plating are visible in the middle of Kearny’s starboard side below and aft of the bridge. The Kearny, assisting 4 other U.S. warships, came to the nighttime rescue of beleaguered, slow-moving convoy SC‑48 whose Canadian escorts were being mauled by a U‑boat wolf pack when it came under attack in bad weather. Two American ships in the convoy were sunk during the attack, causing dozens of casualties: the British-flagged Anglo-American Oil Co. tanker W.C. Teagle and the U.S.-Panamanian freighter Bold Venture sailing from Baltimore for Liverpool, England, with a cargo of cotton, iron, steel, copper, and wood. Casualties among Kearny’s crew included 11 dead and 22 injured. In FDR’s Navy Day speech on October 27, 1941, 6½ weeks before the country was officially at war with Germany, the former Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1913–1920) and now 32nd U.S. president announced, “The shooting has started and we Americans have taken our battle stations.”
Right: USS Reuben James—a 4-funnel, post-World War I destroyer—was sunk on the night of October 30/31, 1941, by U‑552 west of Iceland as she and four other destroyers escorted HX156, an eastbound convoy sailing from Argentia, Newfoundland. A torpedo hit the forward section of Reuben James. When an ammunition magazine exploded it blew off the entire bow of “Ol’ Rube,” which sank immediately; the aft section sank 5 minutes later. Of the 144‑man crew, only 44 survived. Tragically, many of the crewmembers were killed by the escort destroyer’s own unsecured depth charges, which armed themselves in frigid ocean water and exploded as the men treaded water (ship’s lifeboats were rendered unusable). Counting the conflict in China, the Reuben James was the second U.S. Navy ship sunk by hostile action prior to the country entering World War II. The river gunboat USS Panay, serving in the U.S. Yangtze Patrol in China, was bombed, strafed, and sunk by Japanese aircraft on December 12, 1937, with a loss of 4 dead and 43 sailors and 5 civilians wounded.