World War II Day by Day World War II was the single most devastating and horrific event in the history of the world, causing the death of some 70 million people, reshaping the political map of the twentieth century and ushering in a new era of world history. Every day The Daily Chronicles brings you a new story from the annals of World War II with a vision to preserve the memory of those who suffered in the greatest military conflict the world has ever seen.


Berlin, Germany April 27, 1942

At least since the 1925 publication of Adolf Hitler’s polit­i­cal screed, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), National Socialists, or Nazis for short, were openly dis­cussing various colo­ni­za­tion schemes for Cen­tral and East­ern Europe. Nazis were sure that more Lebens­raum (living space) for a popu­la­tion of 62 mil­lion peo­ple was needed if Germany were to assume a leading role among the com­mu­nity of world powers. The East must be cleared of what the German dic­ta­tor termed cul­turally and racially infe­rior people (kulturell und rassisch minder­wertige Voelker) and resettled with a “bio­log­i­cally” supe­rior people of Aryan, or Nordic (that is, German) stock. As Fuehrer (leader), Hitler called on the terri­ble swift sword of his Wehr­macht (German mili­tary) and the allegedly more vigor­ous and intel­li­gent German settler com­mu­nity, in­cluding Volks­deutsche (people whose lan­guage and cul­ture had German ori­gins but who did not hold German citizen­ship), to produce an ethnic trans­for­ma­tion (Umvolkung) and a per­ma­nent German Volks- und Kultur­boden (people’s and culture soil) in the East.

Between Nazi Germany’s invasion of its east­ern neigh­bor Poland in Septem­ber 1939 and the Wehr­macht’s sound defeat further east at Stalin­grad in the Soviet Union at the end of Janu­ary 1943, various abstracts and memo­randa of General­plan Ost (Master Plan for the East), each with dif­ferent empha­ses, sur­faced in the Reich Com­mis­sioner’s Office for the Strength­ening of German­dom (Reichs­kom­mis­sariat fuer die Festi­gung deu­tschen Volks­tums), widely known by the ini­tials RKFDV, in­cluding a memo on this date, April 27, 1942. (The most senior officer in the RKFDV was Reichs­fuehrer-SS Hein­rich Himm­ler, head of the Nazi Party’s all-powerful para­military Schutz­staffel, or SS.) At least two more ver­sions, one in late May (offi­cially dated June and sent to Him­mler for his impri­ma­tur) and the other in late Octo­ber 1942, tweaked the April plan. Though an intact copy has not been located to date, broadly speaking General­plan Ost addressed agri­cul­tural, indus­trial, urban, and popu­lation resettle­ment of 4,550,000 people of German origin as well as trans­fer issues of 31 mil­lion “aliens” to be resettled (ausgesiedelt) to Western Siberia or else killed. (Of the Polish pop­u­la­tion 80–85 per­cent, or 20 mil­lion people, were to be resettled, the highest per­cent­age for any con­quered nation­al­ity.) Despite its costs and pro­jected 30‑year run, the pro­gram to Ger­man­ize huge swathes of the East had its attractors, from Hitler and Himm­ler to the more than 750,000 Reich Germans and Volks­deutsche who even­tu­ally settled in Polish areas that had been either annexed by the Reich (West Prussia, Warthe­gau, and Upper Silesia) or occupied (General Government).

Ruthless, large-scale ethnic cleansing by SS-Einsatz­gruppen (mobile death squads) and other SS police units made room for the rapid in­flux of German sett­lers across Poland. Roughly 800,000 non-Jewish Poles were expelled from their homes and farms and deported; 3 mil­lion Poles of Jewish des­cent were first cram­med into urban ghettos and then evac­u­ated to be mur­dered on an indust­rial scale in death camps with names like Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bełżec, Majdanek, Sobibór, Chełmno (Kulm­hof), and Treblinka; and 1.7 mil­lion Fremd­voelkische (for­eign peo­ple) were deported west­ward as forced laborers to Reich mines, fac­tories, and farms. Between 20,000 and 50,000 Polish chil­dren who had Aryan-Nordic fea­tures (eye and hair color, shape of head and nose, height, skin color, etc.) and passed a medi­cal exam and per­formed well on psycho­log­i­cal tests were given false birth cer­tif­i­cates attesting to their pure-blooded (rein­rassig), German-born status. The chil­dren, many of them kid­napped by SS cadres from orphan­ages and schools and off city streets, were put up for adop­tion by “suit­able” Reichs­deutsche fam­i­lies in the West. Abducting chil­dren (esti­mated between 200,000 and 400,000 chil­dren from all over Europe), expul­sion of peoples from their natal com­mu­ni­ties, and geno­cide were part and parcel of Germanizing the Ostgebiete (Eastern Territories).

Germanizing and Colonizing the Ostgebiete: Generalplan Ost and the Example of Poland During World War II

Generalplan Ost: Map of eastern expansion

Above: Generalplan Ost, 1942, Nazi Germany’s secret master plan to reor­ga­nize the racial, ethnic, and cul­tural land­scape of Cen­tral and East­ern Europe using geno­cide, ethnic cleansing, depor­ta­tion, and enslave­ment on a vast and crimi­nal scale. This map depicts pre-war German borders in gray-green shade. The area inside the red line defines pre-war Germany and adja­cent terri­tories that were annexed by the Hitler regime. (There were admin­is­tra­tive, legal, and judi­cial dif­fer­ences between annexed, or incor­po­rated, areas and occu­pied areas.) The white area between the wavy red line and the heavy broken black line (roughly Lake Ladoga-Volga-Don rivers) depicts the second phase of German settle­ment and included the estab­lish­ment of the General Government and the Reichs­kom­mis­sa­riats Ost­land (the Baltic States and Western Bela­rus) and Ukraine. To the south of those areas are terri­tories and states that were allies of Nazi Germany (north to south: Fin­land, Slo­va­kia, Roma­nia, Bul­garia, Yugo­slavia, and Italy). East of the broken black line are the­o­ret­i­cal polit­i­cal divi­sions and planned civil­ian occu­pa­tion regimes in north­ern and cen­tral Euro­pean Russia, Mos­kowien (also spelled Mos­kau) and Kau­ka­sien (also spelled Kau­ka­sus) to the south that were never realized owing to the Wehr­macht’s west­ward retreat on the Eastern Front, which gathered momen­tum in 1943–1944. Yellow repre­sents neu­tral states in World War II, which conflict in Europe ended in May 1945.

Generalplan Ost: "Planning and Construction in the East" exhibition, March 1941Generalplan Ost: High-ranking visitors, March 20, 1941

Left: A model of a proposed settler community in Germany’s “New East” (Neuer Osten), whose so-far “badly exploited, fertile soil of black earth could be a para­dise, a Cali­for­nia of Europe,” proph­e­sized Hitler. In March 1941 the settle­ment plan­ners under Reichs­fuerher-SS Hein­rich Himm­ler orga­nized a public exhi­bit­ion in the German capi­tal, Berlin. Under the title “Planning and Con­struc­tion in the East,” the exhi­bi­tion used dis­play boards and models on tables that depicted what future vil­lages in the newly won east­ern terri­tories” should look like. The exhi­bi­tion was repeated in October of the same year.

Right: Using miniature model homes, villages, and farms laid out on display tables, Himm­ler explained his settle­ment plans to Rudolf Hess (folded hands left), Deputy Fuehrer of the Nazi Party, on March 20, 1941. Inside the exte­rior walls of the mini­a­ture homes were repre­sen­ta­tions of living rooms, kitchens, bath­rooms, and bed­rooms. Hess appeared on Hitler’s behalf at Nazi rallies and engage­ments like this one. Hess was next in line to Reichs­marshall and Luft­waffe chief Her­mann Goering to suc­ceed Hitler until the Deputy Fuehrer’s fate­ful solo flight to Scot­land on May 10, 1941, when he hoped to initi­ate peace talks between Germany and Great Britain. Embar­rassed by Hess’s stunt, Hitler abol­ished the post of Deputy Fuehrer, stripped Hess of his party and state offi­ces, and secretly ordered him shot on sight if he ever returned home.

Generalplan Ost: Construction of Resettlement Village WarthegauGeneralplan Ost: Himmler warmly welcomes settler

Left: Planners around agronomist SS-Oberfuehrer (Brigadier General) Dr. Konrad Meyer-Hetling publicly pro­moted their visions for new settle­ments in the con­quered, resource-rich Ost­gebiete. It was Meyer-Hetling’s mid-1940 memo­ran­dum as chief of the RKFDV Plan­ning and Soil (Planung und Boden) Depart­ment to Reichs­fuehrer-SS Hein­rich Himm­ler on the “Ger­mani­za­tion” of the East­ern Terri­tories that morphed into General­plan Ost. In order to make the con­quered areas perma­nently German, Meyer-Hetling and his aco­lytes planned to settle over 4.5 mil­lion Germans along with “Germans” from Western Europe (e.g., Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg) and America in the Warthe­gau, an area of Poland incor­po­rated into the Third Reich. Other settle­ment areas included the General Govern­ment (home to 10 mil­lion Poles), Byelo­russia (today’s Belarus), and Ukraine, the latter two states being west­ern parts of the Soviet Union. This was all to happen inside 20 years, down orig­i­nally from 25–30 years. Chairing the Com­mit­tee for Resettle­ment in the Occu­pied East­ern Terri­tories, Meyer-Hetling opined that the set­tlers would “bio­log­i­cally” dis­place what remained of the indig­e­nous popu­la­tion. The photo on the left shows the new con­struc­tion of a model resettle­ment village in the Warthe­gau. In the wake of the calam­ity that befell the Axis armies at Stalin­grad and Germany’s decla­ra­tion of Totaler Krieg (Febru­ary 18, 1943), Hitler sus­pended further plan­ning for colo­ni­zing the “Germanic East” with “Germanic blood” until peace­time, and so the resettlement program was gradually abandoned.

Right: In this photo Reichsfuehrer-SS Himm­ler, in his role as resettle­ment com­mis­sioner (RKFDV), wel­comes a smiling Volks­deutscher resettler from Galicia to Przemysl (German, Premsl­au or Pröm­sel) dis­trict. Przemysl lay in that part of German-occu­pied Poland known as the Gene­ral Govern­ment (German, General­gou­ver­nement). In July 1941 Gali­cia was sepa­rated from the Gene­ral Govern­ment to form its own admin­is­tra­tive dis­trict, Dis­trikt Gali­zien. The dis­trict ceased to exist after the Soviet coun­ter­off­en­sive in 1944. Galicia is now part of Western Ukraine.

Generalplan Ost: Settler applicant family Gliebe, 1941Generalplan Ost: Settler applicant family Gliebe health test, 1941

Above: In the plans for colonizing Central and Eastern Europe, Volks­deutsche played a key role—but only if and when they were cer­ti­fied to be “racially desir­able” (ras­si­sche er­wuenscht) and with­out any dis­turbing polit­i­cal blemishes (poli­tisch unbe­denk­lich). Himm­ler’s SS regis­tered all in­coming immi­grant settlers in a rigorous pro­ce­dure. The pro­ce­dure involved a cen­tral regis­tra­tion data­base called the German People’s List (Deutsche Volks­liste, DVL) that racially ranked males and females in the con­quered East according to their degree of “German­ness.” For example, DVL cate­go­ries I and II distin­guished would-be col­o­nists based on their “active” or “pas­sive” engage­ment with the Reich before 1939: Volks­deutsche (active) vs. Deutsch­staemmige (German descen­dants, pas­sive), and rewarded member­ship dif­fer­ently. Members of cate­go­ries III and IV were sent to Germany as laborers and subject to con­scrip­tion into the Wehr­macht. Persons who had been assigned to one of the four DVL cate­go­ries but who denied their ties to Germany were dealt with very harshly and ordered to con­cen­tra­tion camps. Thus, Gliebe family appli­cants from Slo­venia (a state in former Yugo­sla­via), shown here in both frames, had to pass civil, racial, and health tests if they were to receive their natu­ral­i­za­tion papers (Ein­buergerungs­urkun­den). The two photos were taken in 1941 for documentation and propaganda purposes.

Germany’s Generalplan Ost and the Genocide Years: 1939–1945