Aboard the HMS Walker in the North Atlantic · March 17, 1941

On this date in 1941 U-99, skippered by Otto Kretschmer, one of Ger­many’s most famous U‑boat com­manders, had just fired the last of her tor­pedoes when she was spotted by a Brit­ish de­stroyer south­east of Ice­land. By this time Kretsch­mer, on his eighth patrol, had sunk 45 ships for about 270,000 tons and cap­tured one for another 2,000 tons. For his feats the 29-year-old lieu­ten­ant com­mander had earned the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords and the num­ber-one spot on the Aces of the Deep list. (Adolf Hitler per­sonally in­vited Kretsch­mer to Berlin for the award cere­mony and asked him to stay for lunch.) Kretsch­mer’s second watch officer, who was on the bridge that night, im­me­di­ately ordered the year-old Type VIIB U‑boat to crash dive. But once the boat was beneath the sur­face, it was quickly fixed on by the early sub­marine detec­tion system known as ASDIC (later replaced by sonar). Under attack by de­stroyers HMS Walker and Vanoc, the U‑99 was driven deep (700 ft) and severely damaged by depth charges that smashed air, fuel, and bal­last tanks. Kretsch­mer had no choice but to blow all bal­last tanks and shoot to the sur­face. Both Brit­ish destroyers opened fire on the U‑99 with 4‑in guns, though after two minutes neither had found their tar­get. Kretsch­mer ordered his crew to aban­don ship and scuttle the boat, then he dashed off a final radio message to Kriegs­marine Adm. Karl Doenitz at U‑boat head­quarters in Kerneval (out­side Lorient), France, an­nouncing their cap­ture. Three U‑99 crew­men lost their lives while forty men, including Kretsch­mer, were rescued and became POWs. The capture of Kretsch­mer and crew came quickly on the heels of two U‑boat Ritter­kreuz cap­tains lost at sea: Joachim Schepke (U‑100) and Guenther Prien (U‑47). Kretsch­mer spent the remainder of the war in Canada’s Bow­man­ville POW camp, a former boys school 40 miles east of Toron­to, On­tario. After the war, he joined the West German Navy and in May 1965 became the Chief of Staff of the NATO Com­mand, retiring in 1970 with a rank of Flottillen­admiral (rear admiral).

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Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz and Three of His Most Successful U‑Boat Skippers

Grand Admiral Karl DoenitzLieutenant Commander Otto Kretschmer

Left: Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz (1891–1980). At the start of World War II, Doenitz was the senior sub­marine officer in the Kriegs­marine (German Navy). In January 1943 he assumed the office of Com­mander-in-Chief of the Kriegs­marine. Doenitz was in­dicted as a major war crimi­nal at the post­war Nurem­berg Trials and sen­tenced to 10 years in prison.

Right: Lieutenant Commander Otto Kretschmer (1912–1998). On his last patrol in March 1941 he sank 10 ships. Following his cap­ture he spent almost seven years as a POW. After his release Kretsch­mer continued his dis­tinguished service in the Bundes­marine.

Lieutenant Commander Guenther PrienLieutenant Commander Joachim Schepke

Left: Lieutenant Commander Guenther Prien (1908–1941). First member of the Kriegs­marine to receive the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Ger­many’s highest mili­tary decora­tion at the time of its pre­senta­tion to Prien. Under Prien’s com­mand U‑47 sank over 30 Allied ships. His most famous exploit was to sink the British battle­ship HMS Royal Oak at anchor in Scapa Flow, Great Britain’s chief naval base in Scotland’s Orkney Islands. Scapa Flow controlled the entrances to the North Sea.

Right: Lieutenant Commander Joachim Schepke (1912–1941). Schepke was the seventh recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. A con­vinced Nazi, Schepke sank 37 Allied ships and damaged 4 more. After Schepke’s death, Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda ministry held the handsome skipper (nick­named “Her Majesty’s best-looking officer”) as an example for German youth to follow.

Admiral Karl Doenitz and His U-Boats