River Plate Estuary, Uruguay December 13, 1939

In the first months of World War II only Great Britain’s Royal Navy, under the leader­ship of 65‑year-old First Lord of the Ad­mi­ralty (in May 1940, Prime Minis­ter) Winston Chur­chill, pro­se­cuted the war against Nazi Germany with energy. After U‑boats had sunk the air­craft carrier HMS Cou­ra­geous and the battle­ship Royal Oak early in the war, British war­ships sought out German surface com­merce raiders, which Adolf Hitler had unleashed on British mer­chant traffic and, after Decem­ber 11, 1941, on merchant­men of Britain’s allies like the United States and Canada. The most noto­rious of the German shipping marauders was the flag­ship of the Kriegs­marine, the pocket battle­ship (reclassified as a heavy cruiser in 1940) Admiral Graf Spee. The ship’s 2 Arado Ar 196 recon­nais­sance planes and its for­mi­dable triple gun turrets had managed to find and send 9 (one source said 16) British ships (over 50,000 tons) to the bottom of the Indian and South Atlantic oceans since the out­break of war on Septem­ber 3, 1939—all this allegedly with­out causing injury or loss of life to the crew of a single vessel. (The Graf Spee’s 45‑year‑old com­mander, Hans Langs­dorff, ordered the captain and crew of each vessel to abandon ship before he opened fire and sank their ship.)

After scuttling her last merchantman on Decem­ber 7, 1939, in the mid-South Atlantic Ocean, Langs­dorff ordered his war­ship to make for the South Amer­i­can port of Monte­video at the mouth of the River Plate, the shared border between neutral Uru­guay and Argen­tina. It was there that Admiral Graf Spee expected to meet up with a German convoy. Instead of a friendly recep­tion, Langs­dorff found 3 Royal Navy war­ships con­verging on him early on this date, Decem­ber 13, 1939: the 8,390‑ton heavy cruiser HMS Exeter with 6 8‑in/­203‑mm guns (in accor­dance with 1920s dis­arma­ment trea­ties) mounted in 3 deck turrets as well as 2 light cruisers, Ajax and Achilles, each armed with 6‑in/­152‑mm guns. In a fierce 20‑minute clash that became known as the Battle of the River Plate, the Graf Spee’s 11.1‑in/­283‑mm guns drove off the out­gunned light cruisers, but in Exeter’s return fire the German battle­ship suffered major damage to its super­structure and, crit­i­cally, its fuel system. Besides, the Graf Spee’s ammu­ni­tion stocks had been depleted by two‑thirds, leaving her big guns with just 20 minutes or so of rounds to fire. Langs­dorff wisely left the battle­field to retire to nearby Monte­vi­deo, not the Argen­tine port of Mar del Plata 200 miles/­322 km south of Monte­vi­deo, which polit­i­cally might have been a better choice had the imme­di­ate circum­stances not been so dire. The Uru­guayan autho­ri­ties gave Langs­dorff per­mis­sion to stay no more than 72 hours to repair battle damage. The German captain’s original request for a 2‑week layover had been turned down.

During Graf Spee’s repair stop in Monte­vi­deo’s harbor the British engaged in intense diplo­ma­tic and intel­li­gence acti­vity (for example, spreading rumors of supe­rior British naval forces fast approaching Uru­guay), all designed to keep the German battle­ship bottled up while buying time to bring in heavy rein­force­ments. There were none in the imme­di­ate area, although Langs­dorff had con­vinced him­self that an over­whelming Allied naval force awaited his return to sea from the Uru­guayan capi­tal. Two days later, on Decem­ber 17, 1939, the Graf Spee unex­pectedly put to sea again, only to be dra­ma­tically scuttled in full view of 20,000 on­lookers on Mon­te­video’s water­front. This was the first nota­ble British suc­cess of the war, and British media made the most of it. (See video below.) Three days later in a hotel room in the Argen­tine capital of Buenos Aires, Langs­dorff, in full dress uniform, killed himself. His crew gave him a hero’s funeral.

Payback Time: The Last Days of Germany’s Admiral Graf Spee

The Admiral Graf Spee the year she was commissioned, 1936

Above: The pocket battleship (German, panzershiff; literally, “armored ship”) Admiral Graf Spee was built to out­gun and out­run any British or French war­ship fast enough to try to catch her—in other words, a nearly invin­ci­ble ship. With a top speed of 28.5 knots/­32.8 mph/­52.8 km/h, only a hand­ful of ships were capable of chasing her and power­ful enough to sink her when caught. The Admiral Graf Spee’s primary arma­ment consisted of 6 11‑in/­280‑mm guns mounted in 2 triple‑gun turrets, 1 forward and another aft of the super­structure, as shown here in this 1936 photo­graph. Amid­ships was a sec­ond­ary battery of 8 5.9‑in/­150‑mm guns in single turrets and 2 Arado Ar 196 sea­planes. Her anti­air­craft battery con­sisted of 6 4.1‑in/­104‑mm) guns, 4 1.5‑in/­38.1‑mm guns, and 10 0.79‑in/­20‑mm guns. The ship also carried a pair of qua­dru­ple 21‑in/­533‑mm deck-mounted torpedo tubs placed on her stern. A for­mi­dable 16,000‑ton wea­pon, the Graf Spee inflicted serious damage on Allied merchant shipping in the last months of 1939: 50,000 tons in British mer­chant shipping alone between September and December 1939.

Damaged port side bow of Admiral Graf Spee, December 1939Close-up view of the Admiral Graf Spee’s port side, December 1939

Left: Damaged portside bow of Admiral Graf Spee caused by an 8‑in/­203‑mm shell. One of HMS Exeter’s 8‑in shells destroyed the steam boilers needed to operate the ship’s fuel-cleaning system. With no hope of replacing or repairing the system at sea, and suffering engine fatigue that reduced her top speed to 23 knots/­26½ mph/­42.5 km/h, Capt. Hans Langs­dorff sought sanc­tu­ary and time for making emer­gency repairs in the Uru­guay­an har­bor of Montevideo, arriving in the early afternoon of December 13, 1939.

Right: A close-up view of the Admiral Graf Spee’s port side, showing hull damage near the third 5.9‑in/­150‑mm gun turret and the destroyed Arado Ar 196 sea­plane. The 2 British light cruisers, HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles, using their 6‑in/152‑mm guns, scored 20 hits on the Admiral Graf Spee, damaging food stores and bakeries.

Admiral Graf Spee scuttled, December 17, 1939

Above: Uruguayan authorities followed international treaties and, although ex­tending the normal 24‑hour period of safe sanc­tuary to 72 hours, demanded the Admiral Graf Spee leave port by 8 p.m., Decem­ber 17, 1939, or else be interned for the dura­tion of the war. The Kriegs­marine instructed Langs­dorff not to let the damaged ship be interned in Uru­guay (which was sym­pathetic to Britain in her war against Germany) or allow her to fall into enemy hands. Left to choose a stra­tegy on his own, Langs­dorff decided to scuttle the Kriegs­marine’s flag­ship, largely to spare his crew further casu­al­ties (36 dead and 60 wounded). (Hitler was said to be infuri­ated with Langs­dorff’s deci­sion.) At the limit of Uru­guay­an terri­torial waters, 10 miles/­16 km from shore, the ship stopped and her crew eva­cu­ated by barge to Buenos Aires, where they were interned. Shortly there­after, 2 of 3 planted explo­sives blew up the Admiral Graf Spee and she settled into the shallow estu­ary of the River Plate, the border between Uru­guay and Argen­tina, burning for the next 7 days. Inter­est­ingly, the sunken war­ship was named after German Vice‑Adm. Maxi­milian Graf von Spee, who on Decem­ber 8, 1914, with 800 crew­men went down with the SMS Scharn­horst, flag­ship of Kaiser Wilhelm’s navy, off the South Atlantic Falk­land Islands, courtesy of 2 British battle­cruisers. The wreck lies roughly 1,200 miles/­1,931 km from Montevideo.

Newsreel Account of the End of Admiral Graf Spee Outside Montevideo, Uruguay’s Harbor (First minute of film suffers from deterioration)