Moscow, Soviet Union · April 15, 1943

On this date in 1943 Soviet Gen. Géorgui Zakharov placed a patrol of six Yak‑7s with Soviet pilots under Free French com­mand. The initial six French pilots formed a mixed patrol of six French and six Russian planes. The brain­child of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French govern­ment in exile the year before, the Nor­mandie-Niémen Squad­ron of volun­teer French pilots was the only foreign divi­sion within the Red Army Air Forces. (De Gaulle had offered Free French flying services to the Roosevelt admin­is­tra­tion after Japan’s Decem­ber 7, 1941, surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, but those services were declined. Not by the British, though. In the Royal Air Force, no less than seven squadrons were manned exclusively by French aviators, aircrew, and mechanics.)

Flying Soviet-built fighters that sported Soviet markings and the French Nor­mandy emblem, the Nor­mandie-Nié­men Squad­ron took part in its first com­bat mission in March 1943 when it flew escort for Soviet ground-attack bombers. On April 5, 1943, Nor­man­die pilots had their first two kills. The squad­ron scored impres­sive victories with the Red Army Air Forces in the epic Battle of Kursk (July 1943), when 2,000 Soviet planes engaged 1,800 Ger­man air­craft, as well as in the 1944 Soviet offen­sive in East Prussia. In one two-day period in mid-October 1944, the volun­teer squad­ron, now grown to 50-plus opera­tional pilots, downed 38 Ger­man air­craft to one of their own. In two years of service, 42 of their number were killed but over 30 became aces. Four were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The squad­ron’s com­bat record of kills was the second highest in the Red Army Air Forces. Collec­tively they downed a confirmed 273 enemy air­craft with many more prob­a­bles. During 5,240 mis­sions they also destroyed 27 trains, 22 loco­motives, and 154 trucks and staff cars as well as an unknown number of tanks and armored vehicles.

The Normandie-Niémen Regiment’s last cam­paign for the Soviets was clearing the skies of the rem­nants of the Luft­waffe during the battle for the German Baltic city of Koenigs­berg in March and April 1945. The French­men had stuck with the Soviet Union through thick and thin to the bitter­sweet end. As a reward for their faith­ful ser­vices, sym­bolic and insigni­fi­cant in the grand scheme of the air war, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin pre­sented 40 Yak‑3s to the French flyers to use in returning home. The Yaks formed the nucleus of France’s post­war air force. The accom­plish­ments of the Nor­mandie-Niémen are a source of great pride in France, and visi­tors can tour a museum at Le Bourget Airport in Paris that celebrates the squadron’s feats.

Free French Normandie-Niémen Airmen on Eastern Front, 1942–1945

Normandie-Niémen Yak

Above: A Normandie-Niémen Yakovlev fighter, or Yak. The double-barred Cross of Lorraine, the symbol of Free France during World War II, has been painted on its tail. The unit received numer­ous orders, cita­tions, and dec­o­ra­tions from both the Free French and Soviet govern­ments, including the French Légion d’honneur, the Croix de guerre 1939–1945, and the Soviet Order of the Red Banner for con­spic­uous heroism, dedi­ca­tion, and courage demon­strated in battle. In 1944 Stalin awarded the unit the honor­ific name “Niemen” for its parti­ci­pation in the Battle of the Niemen (Neman) River, part of Oper­a­tion Bagra­tion, the great Soviet summer offensive against the German Wehrmacht (armed forces) in June and July 1944.

Normandie-Niémen pilots

Above: Normandie-Niémen pilots pose beside their Yak‑9 Soviet fighter, which was the squadron’s plane at the time. Roger Sauvage sits at far right in this photo­graph of Free French pilots. Sauvage (1917–1977), whose mother was a white Pari­si­enne and whose father was a World War I sol­dier from Mar­ti­nique in the French (Antilles) West Indies, was the highest scoring black fighter ace of World War II with 16 con­firmed aerial vic­tories and at least one prob­able. He was the recip­i­ent of 7 major Soviet and French deco­ra­tions. The Norman­die-Niémen Regi­ment was one of only two air com­bat units from an Allied West Euro­pean coun­try to par­tici­pate on the East­ern Front during World War II, the other being the British No. 151 Wing RAF. The British pilots were stationed near the Soviets’ north­ern port of Mur­mansk during Septem­ber–Octo­ber 1941, pro­viding air cover for Arctic mer­chant con­voys and later pilot con­ver­sion training for Red Army Air Force pilots training on the Hawker Hurri­cane, the first Allied Lend-Lease aircraft to be delivered to the Soviet Union.

Normandie-Niémen heroes’ welcome at Paris-Le Bourget Airport

Above: On June 20, 1945, at Paris-Le Bourget Airport, hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple wel­comed home the Nor­mandie-Niémen heroes. Hero pilot 2nd Lt. Roger Sau­vage, at over 6 ft tall, is eighth from left in front row. In mid-1943, after the Western Allies had libe­rated Vichy French Algeria, Sauvage, a pilot in the Armée de l’air de Vichy, was given the choice of flying for the Royal Air Force or going to the Soviet Union, where he could join the Nor­mandie squa­dron already famous for its role in the Battle of Kursk and its after­math. He chose to hitch his fate to the Free French Nor­mandie squa­dron. Along with 13 other French volun­teer pilots, Sauvage arrived at Nor­mandie’s air­field in Tula, 120 miles south of Moscow, on January 6, 1944.

French Film Tells the Story of the Normandie-Nié­men Free French Airmen Who Served on the Eastern Front from 1943 to 1945