509th Composite Group HQ, Tinian, Mariana Islands · August 6, 1945
For several months the U.S. had dropped more than 63 million leaflets across Japan, warning civilians of devastating aerial bombings. Many Japanese cities suffered terrible damage from napalm bombs that set their wood-frame buildings on fire. On August 1, some 80 percent of Hachioji, a rail choke point near Tokyo, was burned out by napalm. Sixty-five percent of Nagaoka was wasted the same day. Nearly 100 percent of Toyama was incinerated. On this date in 1945 things were different. Hiroshima, a city of 280,000 civilians and 43,000 soldiers, was incinerated by a five-ton uranium-filled bomb codenamed “Little Boy,” the first of two atomic bombs ever dropped on an enemy nation. A blinding flash lasting perhaps a tenth of a second created an explosion that blew out windows 6‑1/2 miles from the epicenter and sent a massive column of debris and smoke miles high. Allied forces were poised for invasion hundreds of miles from the Japanese home islands when the first atomic bomb exploded. Remembrance of the horrific casualties inflicted by a fanatical enemy on Americans assaulting Japanese-held Iwo Jima and Okinawa—nearly 70,000 dead and wounded—forebode worse numbers ahead, as high as one million Allied servicemen and millions more Japanese. President Harry S. Truman and American commanders fretted that a war-weary public might have neither the patience nor the stomach for a Japanese-style Armageddon. After the Hiroshima bombing, the White House issued a statement that promised Japan “a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on earth” if Japanese leaders did not end the war in 48 hours on U.S. terms. To a group of Christian leaders Truman explained his motives for deploying the atomic bomb: “When you have to deal with a beast you have to treat him as a beast.” Japanese leaders had expected, indeed planned for a brutal, no-holds-barred land invasion beginning in October. But nothing in their past experience or in their wildest imaginations had prepared them for this level of aerial immolation. The deadly new delivery system was the equivalent of 220 fully loaded B‑29s dropping their loads in an instant. Within minutes 40,000 Hiroshima men, women, and children died mostly in the firestorms set off by the enormous blast, while a further 90,000–166,000 victims would die within days of burns and radiation.

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Hiroshima: Delivering a Foretaste of National Apocalypse
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Left: Ground level photograph of the Hiroshima mushroom cloud taken from approximately 4.3 miles northeast of ground zero. “Little Boy,” as the uranium-235 bomb was nicknamed, detonated 1,900 ft above the Shima Hospital and 550 yards from the bombardier’s aiming point, the Aioi Bridge. Three days later another mushroom cloud appeared over the city of Nagasaki, the product of “Fat Man,” as the plutonium-239 bomb was called. The following day Japan capitulated.
Right: Lost image found in Honkawa Elementary School in 2013 of the Hiroshima mushroom cloud, believed to have been taken 20–30 minutes after detonation from about 6.2 miles east of ground zero. Some 400 Honkawa students and more than 10 teachers were victims of the bomb blast.
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Left: The best-known photographs of the bomb’s aftermath were taken from the air by one of three B‑29s that left Tinian in the Mariana Islands in the predawn hours of August 6, 1945, for Hiroshima. This aerial photograph is less well known, taken about one hour after the atomic bomb detonated over Hiroshima. “Little Boy” was carried by the Enola Gay, a modified B‑29 Superfortress (configured to carry an atomic bomb) piloted by thirty‑year‑old Col. Paul Tibbets. Tibbets had developed his flying skills as a pilot for the U.S. Eighth and Twelfth Air Forces over Europe and North Africa. In March 1943 Tibbets returned to the States to test-fly the new Superfortress, earning him the nickname “Mr. B‑29.”
Right: >“Little Boy” on trailer cradle before being loaded into Enola Gay’s bomb bay. The Enola Gay’s bomb bay door is visible in the upper right-hand corner of the photo. Of the 131 lb of ura¬nium 235 in the bomb, less than 2 lb under¬went nuclear fis¬sion. But the force of the ex¬plo¬sion was roughly equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT.
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Left: The Hiroshima Chamber of Industry and Commerce Building was the only building remotely close to standing near the center of the atomic bomb blast of August 6, 1945. It was left unrepaired as a reminder of the event.
Right: Eight months after the atomic bomb was dropped, Hiroshima still stood in ruins.